Kit for Almond Soup

An almond for every season. This is the theme to develop, the gap to bridge. The summer is over so quickly. The material culture of the Sicilian people has given us the freshness of almond milk, an energising and nourishing drink at any time of day or night, the granita that cools and refreshes the mind and the body from the summer heat.

But we had nothing to warm ourselves up on cold winter days, nothing to restore us! Here, the hand is at the service of the idea and the Almond Soup is born. Warm, pure, with notes of cinnamon and embellished with lightly toasted almonds. Happy winter to you..

The kit contains:
- Two Almonds Cream of 250 grams
- Two Cinnamon Mielarò of 50 grams
- One package of unpeeled Noto Almonds of 250 grams
€ 50,00
How to prepare the Almonds Soup.

Ingrediends for two people
-210 ml of water
-60 grams of Almonds Cream
-20 grams of cornstarch
-6 unpeeled Almonds
-10 grams of Mielarò
-0,5 gram of salt

Prepare the necessary water, salt and cornstarch. Coarsely crush the almonds. Toast them over low heat in a small pan. Mix the water, the almond cream, the cornstarch and salt (you can replace the water with whole milk). Mix well in a saucepan and stir until boiling. Pour into the cup and complete with a round of cinnamon / orange Mielarò and the addition of toasted almonds grains.

Ingredients (Almonds Cream / Roasted Almonds Creams): Sugar - Almond - Water

Ingredients (Mielarò): Honey - Tangerine

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